Triangle Abuse: Tesseracts are the Answer

Hipsters, for some reason, are constantly steryotyped with the entity of a triangle.

Now, if you are a fan of triangles and are reading this, don’t fear. You may love triangles without having to commit to the hipster lifestyle quite yet…but since you’ve already followed my blog, that might be a little too late.

What I’m asking is why are hipsters “in love” with triangles?

Yes, they are very geometrically balanced and bring to mind a sense of mystery and harmony simultaniously, but the meaning of the universe is not hidden inside a triangle.

No, the universe is much more complex than that.

And honestly, if you are searching for a geometric figure to fill your longing for meaning and a sense of purpose, I would suggest instead researching the tesseract.

This mind-boggling shape is to the cube as the cube is to the square, for my English of Mathmatically-advanced friends who understood that similie.

If you would like to delve even deeper to discover answers to your deepest philisophical questions, I would even go as far to suggest to you the tesseractic honeycomb.

But please, the abuse of the triangles must end.

For all our sakes.


Selling the Goods

Because a garage sale is too mainstream… 😉

sustainability wench


Yesterday I helped my good friend, future bridesmaid, and business partner, clear out a big part of her garden. This involved digging out masses of hellebores (winter roses).  Kàren transplanted a few of these to a new garden bed, but this still left us with a large pile of the plants. I was going to biff them, but apparently people spend quite a bit on these in the shops.

This morning I set up a wee stall outside my house with the help of my six year-old. I made sure we only used materials we found in our garage (ie, free). The stall has directions for payment (through the old-fashioned letter slot in our front door), so we’re relying on people’s honesty + karma. I also added some of my extra Aloe Vera plants to the stall. It’ll be great to cover some of the cost of the native…

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Half Empty

Ah, the age old question. My opinion? The glass is twice the size it should be.

Tony's Texts


Today’s Daily Prompt is “Is the glass half-full, or half-empty?”

This always seems to be a question of optimism against pessimism. A question of seeing what you have against what you don’t have.

If I sum it up that way then I am a half-empty sort of person.

I suffer from depression, bad chronic depression, and one of the symptoms is an ingrained pessimism. I can’t see anything positive in the future and I can’t see the pain going away. At the same time I am beset with a sense of failure in that, according to my inner thoughts, there is little positive in my life situation.

That’s really where depression gets you. Some seem to think that depression is just an extreme form of feeling sad but that’s not where it hits you. Sure, you feel sad, you feel really sad. I can cope with sad, I’m really…

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Vintage Turquoise Van and Sloped House

My future home and car 😛

Unfortunatly. . .

Of Monsters and Men, is officially mainstream, my friends. It was a sad moment for me  when I heard a young woman butcher ‘Little Talks’ on the Voice tonight. This isn’t the only symptom this band has been showing of leaking into the mainstream world. The other day, I heard the same song on the radio. We’ve had a good run, Of Monsters and Men, but it is time to let go. I Love Love Love this band, but since everyone does now, it’s time for me to have a Little Talk with myself and let them go. For those of us who are feeling the nauseating effects that are quite similar to a bandage being quickly ripped off our skin, here are some similar bands to listen to while we mourn the loss of this band.

  • Passenger
  • Kodaline
  • Writer’s Block
  • Carolina Liar
  • Dave Barns
  • I wish I could add Florence and the Machine, but one of their songs is in the new movie, The Great Gatsby. . . 😦
  • Embrace

My Dream Hair

side shave rainbow

I absolutely love this hair. I have a shoulder-length hair that angles up to the nape of my neck in the back and I love flipping it over to one side and pinning the rest so it looks like it’s shaved, but alas, I don’t think my parents would condone such an outrageous hairstyle. If only…


The Five Bucks Bespoke Bookshelf

sustainability wench

The other day I went to EcoShop  This is the Christchurch City Council shop that sells all the bits and pieces that are one person’s trash, but another person’s treasure. It’s the best place in town for big time bargains. I bought a $5 wooden ladder which Occupational Safety and Health would not approve of. I also picked up a couple of wooden skateboards for a total of $8. Occupational Safety and Health wouldn’t approve of those either, but the kids do, which is the main thing.

It took me a couple of hours to sand back the icky paint and splodges and to do the primer coat on the top. This morning I put the pop of red on it and bunged in some books. Choosing the books probably took longer than refurbishing the ladder. With such a vintage-y shelf, I was reluctant to put in any trashy novels…

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Indian Head Test Pattern Laptop Bag

This would be perfect with a gray beanie, orange cardigan, and brown saddle shoes. Anyone else seeing it?

NDGRags & Friends Stuff


Upgrade your daily commute with a customized Rickshaw laptop bag. Made in San Francisco with a focus on sustainability and durability, this sturdy bag stands up to daily wear ‘n tear. This unique vintage Indian Head TV Test Pattern inspired design features handy compartments for everything from a 15” laptop to your trusty journal. This “Old School” school bag will make it easy to take it all with you from sign on
to the end of the broadcast day.
See other Vintage commuter bags at

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Vintage Beetle Parked on Street

I LOVE that beetle. LOVE.

Trending Dress

Trending Dress.

This dress is so daydreamy…I feel like I could just sink into it and inhale it’s memories.

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