Triangle Abuse: Tesseracts are the Answer

Hipsters, for some reason, are constantly steryotyped with the entity of a triangle.

Now, if you are a fan of triangles and are reading this, don’t fear. You may love triangles without having to commit to the hipster lifestyle quite yet…but since you’ve already followed my blog, that might be a little too late.

What I’m asking is why are hipsters “in love” with triangles?

Yes, they are very geometrically balanced and bring to mind a sense of mystery and harmony simultaniously, but the meaning of the universe is not hidden inside a triangle.

No, the universe is much more complex than that.

And honestly, if you are searching for a geometric figure to fill your longing for meaning and a sense of purpose, I would suggest instead researching the tesseract.

This mind-boggling shape is to the cube as the cube is to the square, for my English of Mathmatically-advanced friends who understood that similie.

If you would like to delve even deeper to discover answers to your deepest philisophical questions, I would even go as far to suggest to you the tesseractic honeycomb.

But please, the abuse of the triangles must end.

For all our sakes.


Half Empty

Ah, the age old question. My opinion? The glass is twice the size it should be.

Tony's Texts


Today’s Daily Prompt is “Is the glass half-full, or half-empty?”

This always seems to be a question of optimism against pessimism. A question of seeing what you have against what you don’t have.

If I sum it up that way then I am a half-empty sort of person.

I suffer from depression, bad chronic depression, and one of the symptoms is an ingrained pessimism. I can’t see anything positive in the future and I can’t see the pain going away. At the same time I am beset with a sense of failure in that, according to my inner thoughts, there is little positive in my life situation.

That’s really where depression gets you. Some seem to think that depression is just an extreme form of feeling sad but that’s not where it hits you. Sure, you feel sad, you feel really sad. I can cope with sad, I’m really…

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The 14 Essential Differences Between Writers and Storytellers

The 14 Essential Differences Between Writers and Storytellers.